assignments assignment2 B assignmentList assignment6 assignment5 assignment4 assignment3 AnythingGoes InsertPages DeleteThisPage CutThisPage CopyThisPage DuplicateThisPage copyTarget assignment2 assignment1 FindObjectByType FindObjectByName ObjectsOfThisPage tms rmn test2 test3 test4 assignment3 assignment4 assignment5 assignment6 System tms rmn tms rmn showmenubar buttonUpToSelection assignment6 assignment5 assignment4 assignment3 AnythingGoes InsertPages DeleteThisPage CutThisPage CopyThisPage DuplicateThisPage copyTarget assignment2 assignment1 FindObjectByType FindObjectByName ObjectsOfThisPage _GetCommandWindow _MiniSpy_HELP _Assign_HELP CloneClusterIntoN CloneCluster CloneSelection CloneTarget ExecuteCommand showmenubar buttonUpToSelection InsertPages DeleteThisPage CutThisPage CopyThisPage DuplicateThisPage copyTarget FindObjectByType FindObjectByName ObjectsOfThisPage y_HELP _Assign_HELP CloneClusterIntoN CloneCluster CloneSelection CloneTarget ExecuteCommand showmenubar buttonUpToSelection InsertPages DeleteThisPage CutThisPage CopyThisPage DuplicateThisPage copyTarget FindObjectByType FindObjectByName ObjectsOfThisPage GetCommandWindow _MiniSpy_HELP _Assign_HELP CloneClusterIntoN CloneCluster CloneSelection CloneTarget ExecuteCommand showmenubar buttonUpToSelection InsertPages DeleteThisPage CutThisPage CopyThisPage DuplicateThisPage copyTarget FindObjectByType FindObjectByName ObjectsOfThisPage assignment6 PageSavedInMWS Assign code MKcopyInfo 3,C:\HJS\X-DEV\X-UTIL\ASSIGN.SBK ,;Ba* testing only" buttonUp buttonUp for testing only Current Assignments: assignment5 assignment4 assignment3 AnythingGoes InsertPages DeleteThisPage CutThisPage CopyThisPage DuplicateThisPage copyTarget assignment2 assignment1 FindObjectByType FindObjectByName ObjectsOfThisPage EditAssignments "Do you want me update the assignment list?" "&Yes" OR "&No" "yes" processAssignments buttonUp buttonUp Do you want me to update the assignment list? FprocessAssignments Edit Assignments UpdateAssignments ProcessAssignments buttonUp buttonUp FProcessAssignments Update Assignments progressReport Instructions 1'N%+ "notepad.exe Assign2.txt" buttonUp buttonUp notepad.exe Assign2.txt Instructions currentAssignments PageSavedInMWS MiniSpy Assignment Depositoryy testing only" buttonUp buttonUp for testing only Current Assignments: assignment5 assignment4 assignment3 AnythingGoes InsertPages DeleteThisPage CutThisPage CopyThisPage DuplicateThisPage copyTarget assignment2 assignment1 FindObjectByType FindObjectByName ObjectsOfThisPage EditAssignments "Do you want me update the assignment list?" "&Yes" OR "&No" "yes" processAssignments buttonUp buttonUp Do you want me to update the assignment list? FprocessAssignments Edit Assignments UpdateAssignments ProcessAssignments buttonUp buttonUp FProcessAssignments Update Assignments progressReport Instructions "notepad.exe Assign.txt" buttonUp buttonUp notepad.exe Assign.txt Instructions currentAssignments ... updating Assignmentsts ... updating Assignmentsts B"updateAssignments" enterPage enterPage buttonUp updateAssignments signment2 assignment1 FindObjectByType FindObjectByName ObjectsOfThisPage ... updating Assignmentsts GetCommandWindow _MiniSpy_HELP _Assign_HELP CloneClusterIntoN CloneCluster CloneSelection CloneTarget ExecuteCommand showmenubar buttonUpToSelection InsertPages DeleteThisPage CutThisPage CopyThisPage DuplicateThisPage copyTarget FindObjectByType FindObjectByName ObjectsOfThisPagee assignmentList "currentAssignments" B"updateAssignments" enterPage enterPage assignmentList currentAssignments buttonUp updateAssignments call like -- " ( example, %a distributor: -- myOwnWrapAroundFunction specialHandlerCall 8"c:\xyz\q\abc. RETURN TRUE -- ObjectsOfThisPage [objList ) & CRLF :" & FindObjectByName 4s_lastObjName Ask " retName 8, etc [foundObj tempObjList <> NULL 2 ) = "There p" && \ QUOTE & & "on p" && 5":" \ & FindObjectByType 4s_lastObjType type:" ) = " && & "on " && ":" \ "The " && & "does xexist." assignment1 assignment2 copyTarget targetObj DuplicateThisPage Paste CopyThisPage CutThisPage DeleteThisPage Request "Are sure delete ?" && \ cannot be reversed." f"&Ok" "&Cancel" c"ok" InsertPages how urrent AnythingGoes "What think means?" assignment3 assignment4 assignment5 assignment6 ProcessAssignments -- I'm , so won't be -- listed regular "progressReport" "... processing [assignments tempScr 6)) = " " ) AND \ ( ( \)) = " & "... updating tempChr CR & "," & & "," & LF "currentAssignments" buttonUpToSelection ProcessAssignments assignment2 copyTarget DuplicateThisPage FindObjectByName CopyThisPage CutThisPage FindObjectByType DeleteThisPage InsertPages AnythingGoes assignment1 assignment3 assignment4 ObjectsOfThisPage assignment5 assignment6 buttonUpToSelection ObjectsOfThisPage Objects of this page: objList FindObjectByName Find object with name: group There is no object with name on this page. Objects with name tempObj tempObjList foundObj retName s_lastObjName FindObjectByType button,field,page,background,rectangle,recordfield Find all objects of type: group There is no object of type on this page. Objects of type The object type does not exist. tempObj tempObjList foundObj retName s_lastObjType objList assignment1 buttonUp assignment2 copyTarget targetObj DuplicateThisPage Paste CopyThisPage CutThisPage DeleteThisPage Are you sure you want to delete this page? This process cannot be reversed. &Cancel clear InsertPages Insert how many pages after the current page? y5newPage AnythingGoes What do you think this means? assignment3 assignment4 assignment5 assignment6 ProcessAssignments progressReport ... processing Assignments assign.sbk progressReport ... updating Assignments assignmentList currentAssignments progressReport tempChr tempScr assignments buttonUpToSelection buttonUp Please select an object first. Book Script "Assign.sbk", the companion "MiniSpy. Developer Utility -- Jurgen Sladeczek -- Copyright 1993 -- All Rights Reserved -- Source Code Version 2.0 -- Release r: July 22, 1993 -- Description: -- * Contains ustomizable list user defined functions that are accessible 's main dialogbox -- History + Known problems: -- In Books flarge scripts, fmany -- lots contents), ToolBook may display a "memory -- message (repeatedly). Just click on OK ( -- dismiss -- Contact address comments suggestions: -- -- 100 D Stinson St. -- Chapel Hill, NC 27514 -- How use ASSIGN.sbk: -- (As lengthy describe, but -- easily done!) -- TO RUN A SCRIPT VIA MINISPY: -- Assuming already installed, -- mousebutton bring up -- (If you 't have U yet, -- Install Bprovided there). -- Double-Click on hand side, -- want . (Or -- "Execute" -- TO ADD YOUR OWN TO THE LIST: "Edit Assignments" B. This will 2: Write handler your . Remember always write form K. (You can handlers, but they ignored ilation assignment 3: After choose "Save- ", a prompt whether update . Choose "Yes", just added a pNo" edited existing -- Note: de below, can't teach directly via -- However, find situations, where absolutely need DIRECTLY, I would like know. -- (I imagine such a 's why I didn't -- include capability). -- If some other don't convert , try a "wrap-around" call -- "Wrap- % example, %a distributor: -- myOwnWrapAroundFunction specialHandlerCall 8"c:\xyz\q\abc. RETURN TRUE -- -- Then be listed Hexecuting immediately bookscript 8"c:\ -- Below (rather simple) sample ObjectsOfThisPage [objList ) & CRLF "Top-level :" & FindObjectByName 4s_lastObjName Ask " retName 8, etc [foundObj tempObjList <> NULL 2 ) = "There p" && \ QUOTE & & "on p" && 5":" \ & FindObjectByType 4s_lastObjType type:" ) = " && & "on " && ":" \ ) > 0 "The {TYPE" && & "does copyTarget targetObj DuplicateThisPage Paste CopyThisPage CutThisPage DeleteThisPage Request "Are sure delete ?" && \ process cannot be reversed." f"&Ok" "&Cancel" c"ok" InsertPages how urrent ProcessAssignments -- I'm , so won't be regular "progressReport" "... processing [assignments tempScr 8MiniSpyPathToAssign() D)) = " " ) AND \ ( ( j)) = " & "... updating tempChr CR & "," & & "," & LF assignmentList "currentAssignments" buttonUpToSelection "Please showmenubar ExecuteCommand cgive me OpenScript CloneTarget obj CloneSelection tempItem1 U + dx tempItem2 r + dx tempItem3 + dx tempItem4 + dx CloneCluster clones a whole hierarchy }, going up topLevelObj c NOT ( q + dx + dx + dx + dx CloneClusterIntoN obj copies N < 1 + i*dx + i*dx obj + i*dx _Assign_HELP tempPath '<> "\" ) "notepad.exe" && .txt" _MiniSpy_HELP <> "\" ) & "minispy. GetCommandWindow sAssignments ProcessAssignments ThisPage CopyThisPage CutThisPage FindObjectByName DeleteThisPage InsertPages FindObjectByType buttonUpToSelection showmenubar ExecuteCommand copyTarget CloneTarget CloneSelection ObjectsOfThisPage CloneCluster CloneClusterIntoN _Assign_HELP DuplicateThisPage _MiniSpy_HELP GetCommandWindow ObjectsOfThisPage Top-level objects of this page: objList FindObjectByName Find object with name: group There is no object with name on this page. Objects with name tempObj tempObjList foundObj retName s_lastObjName FindObjectByType button,field,page,background,rectangle,recordfield Find all objects of type: group There is no object of type on this page. Objects of type The object TYPE does not exist. tempObj tempObjList foundObj retName s_lastObjType objList copyTarget targetObj DuplicateThisPage Paste CopyThisPage CutThisPage DeleteThisPage Are you sure you want to delete this page? This process cannot be reversed. &Cancel clear InsertPages Insert how many pages after the current page? y5newPage ProcessAssignments progressReport ... processing Assignments MiniSpyPathToAssign progressReport ... updating Assignments assignmentList currentAssignments progressReport tempChr tempScr assignments buttonUpToSelection buttonUp Please select an object first. showmenubar ExecuteCommand Please give me the OpenScript command to execute: CloneTarget paste CloneSelection paste tempItem4 tempItem3 tempItem2 tempItem1 CloneCluster background paste tempItem4 tempItem3 tempItem2 tempItem1 topLevelObj CloneClusterIntoN How many copies would you like? cancel background paste tempItem4 tempItem3 tempItem2 tempItem1 topLevelObj _Assign_HELP MiniSpyPathToAssign notepad.exe assign.txt tempPath _MiniSpy_HELP MiniSpyPathToAssign notepad.exe minispy.txt tempPath GetCommandWindow Q.command y5newPage ProcessAssignments progressReport ... processing Assignments MiniSpyPathToAssign progressReport ... updating Assignments assignmentList currentAssignments progressReport tempChr tempScr assignments buttonUpToSelection buttonUp Please select an object first. showmenubar ExecuteCommand Please give me the OpenScript command to execute: CloneTarget paste CloneSelection paste tempItem4 tempItem3 tempItem2 tempItem1 CloneCluster background paste tempItem4 tempItem3 tempItem2 tempItem1 topLevelObj CloneClusterIntoN How many copies would you like? cancel background paste tempItem4 tempItem3 tempItem2 tempItem1 topLevelObj _Assign_HELP MiniSpyPathToAssign notepad.exe assign.txt tempPath _MiniSpy_HELP MiniSpyPathToAssign notepad.exe minispy.txt tempPath _RUNaBook _GetCommandWindow Q.command Book Script "Assign.sbk", the companion "MiniSpy. Developer Utility -- Jurgen Sladeczek -- Copyright 1993 -- All Rights Reserved -- Source Code Version 2.0 -- Release r: July 22, 1993 -- Description: -- * Contains ustomizable list user defined functions that are accessible 's main dialogbox -- History + Known problems: -- In Books flarge scripts, fmany -- lots contents), ToolBook may display a "memory -- message (repeatedly). Just click on OK ( -- dismiss -- Contact address comments suggestions: -- -- 100 D Stinson St. -- Chapel Hill, NC 27514 -- How use ASSIGN.sbk: -- (As lengthy describe, but -- easily done!) -- TO RUN A SCRIPT VIA MINISPY: -- Assuming already installed, -- mousebutton bring up -- (If you 't have U yet, -- Install Bprovided there). -- Double-Click on hand side, -- want . (Or -- "Execute" -- TO ADD YOUR OWN TO THE LIST: "Edit Assignments" B. This will 2: Write handler your . Remember always write form K. (You can handlers, but they ignored ilation assignment 3: After choose "Save- ", a prompt whether update . Choose "Yes", just added a pNo" edited existing -- Note: de below, can't teach directly via -- However, find situations, where absolutely need DIRECTLY, I would like know. -- (I imagine such a 's why I didn't -- include capability). -- If some other don't convert , try a "wrap-around" call -- "Wrap- % example, %a distributor: -- myOwnWrapAroundFunction specialHandlerCall 8"c:\xyz\q\abc. RETURN TRUE -- -- Then be listed Hexecuting immediately bookscript 8"c:\ -- Below (rather simple) sample ObjectsOfThisPage [objList ) & CRLF "Top-level :" & FindObjectByName 4s_lastObjName Ask " retName 8, etc [foundObj tempObjList <> NULL 2 ) = "There p" && \ QUOTE & & "on p" && 5":" \ & FindObjectByType 4s_lastObjType type:" ) = " && & "on " && ":" \ ) > 0 "The {TYPE" && & "does copyTarget targetObj DuplicateThisPage Paste CopyThisPage CutThisPage DeleteThisPage Request "Are sure delete ?" && \ process cannot be reversed." f"&Ok" "&Cancel" c"ok" InsertPages how urrent ProcessAssignments -- I'm , so won't be regular "progressReport" "... processing [assignments tempScr 8MiniSpyPathToAssign() D)) = " " ) AND \ ( ( j)) = " & "... updating tempChr CR & "," & & "," & LF assignmentList "currentAssignments" buttonUpToSelection "Please showmenubar ExecuteCommand cgive me OpenScript CloneTarget obj CloneSelection tempItem1 U + dx tempItem2 r + dx tempItem3 + dx tempItem4 + dx CloneCluster clones a whole hierarchy }, going up topLevelObj c NOT ( q + dx + dx + dx + dx CloneClusterIntoN obj copies N < 1 + i*dx + i*dx obj + i*dx _Assign_HELP tempPath '<> "\" ) "notepad.exe" && .txt" _MiniSpy_HELP <> "\" ) & "minispy. _GetCommandWindow sAssignments ProcessAssignments ThisPage CopyThisPage CutThisPage FindObjectByName DeleteThisPage InsertPages FindObjectByType buttonUpToSelection showmenubar ExecuteCommand copyTarget CloneTarget CloneSelection ObjectsOfThisPage CloneCluster CloneClusterIntoN _Assign_HELP DuplicateThisPage _MiniSpy_HELP _GetCommandWindow ObjectsOfThisPage Top-level objects of this page: objList FindObjectByName Find object with name: group There is no object with name on this page. Objects with name tempObj tempObjList foundObj retName s_lastObjName FindObjectByType button,field,page,background,rectangle,recordfield Find all objects of type: group There is no object of type on this page. Objects of type The object TYPE does not exist. tempObj tempObjList foundObj retName s_lastObjType objList copyTarget targetObj DuplicateThisPage Paste CopyThisPage CutThisPage DeleteThisPage Are you sure you want to delete this page? This process cannot be reversed. &Cancel clear InsertPages Insert how many pages after the current page? y5newPage ProcessAssignments progressReport ... processing Assignments MiniSpyPathToAssign progressReport ... updating Assignments assignmentList currentAssignments progressReport tempChr tempScr assignments buttonUpToSelection buttonUp Please select an object first. showmenubar ExecuteCommand Please give me the OpenScript command to execute: CloneTarget paste CloneSelection paste tempItem4 tempItem3 tempItem2 tempItem1 CloneCluster background paste tempItem4 tempItem3 tempItem2 tempItem1 topLevelObj CloneClusterIntoN How many copies would you like? cancel background paste tempItem4 tempItem3 tempItem2 tempItem1 topLevelObj _Assign_HELP MiniSpyPathToAssign notepad.exe assign.txt tempPath _MiniSpy_HELP MiniSpyPathToAssign notepad.exe minispy.txt tempPath _GetCommandWindow Q.command -- Source Code Version 2.0 -- Release r: July 22, 1993 -- Description: -- * Contains ustomizable list user defined functions that are accessible 's main dialogbox -- History + Known problems: -- In Books flarge scripts, fmany -- lots contents), ToolBook may display a "memory -- message (repeatedly). Just click on OK ( -- dismiss -- Contact address comments suggestions: -- -- 100 D Stinson St. -- Chapel Hill, NC 27514 -- How use ASSIGN.sbk: -- (As lengthy describe, but -- easily done!) -- TO RUN A SCRIPT VIA MINISPY: -- Assuming already installed, -- mousebutton bring up -- (If you 't have U yet, -- Install Bprovided there). -- Double-Click on hand side, -- want . (Or -- "Execute" -- TO ADD YOUR OWN TO THE LIST: "Edit Assignments" B. This will 2: Write handler your . Remember always write form K. (You can handlers, but they ignored ilation assignment 3: After choose "Save- ", a prompt whether update . Choose "Yes", just added a pNo" edited existing -- Note: de below, can't teach directly via -- However, find situations, where absolutely need DIRECTLY, I would like know. -- (I imagine such a 's why I didn't -- include capability). -- If some other don't convert , try a "wrap-around" call -- "Wrap- % example, %a distributor: -- myOwnWrapAroundFunction specialHandlerCall 8"c:\xyz\q\abc. RETURN TRUE -- -- Then be listed Hexecuting immediately bookscript 8"c:\ -- Below (rather simple) sample ObjectsOfThisPage [objList ) & CRLF "Top-level :" & FindObjectByName 4s_lastObjName Ask " retName 8, etc [foundObj tempObjList <> NULL 2 ) = "There p" && \ QUOTE & & "on p" && 5":" \ & FindObjectByType 4s_lastObjType type:" ) = " && & "on " && ":" \ ) > 0 "The {TYPE" && & "does copyTarget targetObj DuplicateThisPage Paste CopyThisPage CutThisPage DeleteThisPage Request "Are sure delete ?" && \ process cannot be reversed." f"&Ok" "&Cancel" c"ok" InsertPages how urrent ProcessAssignments -- I'm , so won't be regular "progressReport" "... processing [assignments tempScr 8MiniSpyPathToAssign() D)) = " " ) AND \ ( ( j)) = " & "... updating tempChr CR & "," & & "," & LF assignmentList "currentAssignments" buttonUpToSelection "Please showmenubar ExecuteCommand cgive me OpenScript CloneTarget obj CloneSelection tempItem1 U + dx tempItem2 r + dx tempItem3 + dx tempItem4 + dx CloneCluster clones a whole hierarchy }, going up topLevelObj c NOT ( q + dx + dx + dx + dx CloneClusterIntoN obj copies N < 1 + i*dx + i*dx obj + i*dx _Assign_HELP tempPath '<> "\" ) "notepad.exe" && .txt" _MiniSpy_HELP 9 minispy. <> "\" ) _RUNaBook _GetCommandWindow sAssignments ProcessAssignments CopyThisPage CutThisPage FindObjectByName DeleteThisPage InsertPages FindObjectByType buttonUpToSelection showmenubar ExecuteCommand copyTarget CloneTarget CloneSelection ObjectsOfThisPage CloneCluster CloneClusterIntoN _Assign_HELP DuplicateThisPage _MiniSpy_HELP _RUNaBook _GetCommandWindow ObjectsOfThisPage Top-level objects of this page: objList FindObjectByName Find object with name: group There is no object with name on this page. Objects with name tempObj tempObjList foundObj retName s_lastObjName FindObjectByType button,field,page,background,rectangle,recordfield Find all objects of type: group There is no object of type on this page. Objects of type The object TYPE does not exist. tempObj tempObjList foundObj retName s_lastObjType objList copyTarget targetObj DuplicateThisPage Paste CopyThisPage CutThisPage DeleteThisPage Are you sure you want to delete this page? This process cannot be reversed. &Cancel clear InsertPages Insert how many pages after the current page? y5newPage ProcessAssignments progressReport ... processing Assignments MiniSpyPathToAssign progressReport ... updating Assignments assignmentList currentAssignments progressReport tempChr tempScr assignments buttonUpToSelection buttonUp Please select an object first. showmenubar ExecuteCommand Please give me the OpenScript command to execute: CloneTarget paste CloneSelection paste tempItem4 tempItem3 tempItem2 tempItem1 CloneCluster background paste tempItem4 tempItem3 tempItem2 tempItem1 topLevelObj CloneClusterIntoN How many copies would you like? cancel background paste tempItem4 tempItem3 tempItem2 tempItem1 topLevelObj _Assign_HELP MiniSpyPathToAssign notepad.exe assign.txt tempPath _MiniSpy_HELP notepad.exe minispy.txt MiniSpyPathToAssign notepad.exe minispy.txt tempPath _RUNaBook _GetCommandWindow Q.command